What is BBL Machine?
BBL(BroadBand Light) is a frequency of highintensity light that delivers heat into the skin.These controlled amounts of heat is absorbedby targeted cells and tissue.The light is de-signed to damage these cells in order to trig-ger the skin's immune system to repair itself.The skin will get rid of these damaged cells tothe superfacial skin where they naturally sloughoff with other dead skin cells.
Any vascular lesion treated will slowly dissipateover the course of10-l4 dayswith no peeling.
BBL, BroadBand Light is the most power-ful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device in theGlobal market. It sets a new high standardin treating skin problems. To fight againstthe aging process at a deeper level to getbaby face, it uses IN Motion technology todeliver a low fluence in multiple pulsesfor any treatment.